Markdown Attributes in Eleventy

Markdown doesn't support using classes natively, but installing the "markdown-it-attrs" module will add this functionality. This document outlines the process of installing and using in Eleventy.

Install necessary modules

The modules "markdown-it" and "markdown-it-attrs" need to be installed. Use the commands below to accomplish:

yarn add markdown-it
yarn ad markdown-it-addrs 

Add Markdown config to Eleventy

Add the following lines into .eleventy.js to activate the markdown modules.

/**************** Markdown Plugins********************/
  let markdownIt = require("markdown-it");
  const markdownItAttrs = require('markdown-it-attrs');
  let options = {
    html: true,
    breaks: true,
    linkify: true
  let markdownLib = markdownIt(options).use(markdownItAttrs);
 config.setLibrary("md", markdownLib);

Add classes to Markdown

Below is an example of adding a class to an image.

]![Screen image with url](/static/img/requiredURL.png "Required url"){ .img-fluid .post-img}

The ability to add classes to markdown makes it possible to add custom styling to your pages. The class example above makes the image reactive. This wouldn't be possible without using classes.

Tags: eleventy, markdown

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