This is the place where I will share my thoughts, ideas and knowledge.  I hope you find it informative
20 Dec, 2022
blog, eleventy
Process used to add new blog posts and publish the updated blog.
Jim Lynn 20 Dec, 2022
eleventy, markdown
Implementing markdown-it-attrs will provide css classes to Eleventy's markdown.
Jim Lynn 16 Dec, 2022
Python, YouTube
Pytube and ffmpeg-python provide an easy way to download and view YouTube videos and audio only files.
Unknown 16 Mar, 2022
markdown, css, html
Sample article showcasing basic Markdown syntax and formatting for HTML elements.
Jim Lynn 20 Mar, 2021
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet consecuteor hello
Me 19 Mar, 2021
markdown, text
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet